Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Assignment: PowerPoint Presentation, Pt. I—Sec. 10

As you know, this semester you and a classmate will be responsible for a 15-minute PowerPoint presentation and a class hand-out.

By Saturday the 3rd at midnight, you and a partner should have signed-up for a topic and date. Anyone that has not chosen by this time, will automatically be assigned a partner, topic, and date. Groupings are determined by whomever signs up first.

Follow these steps:
  1. Click on "Comments" at the end of this post.
  2. In the "Post a Comment" box, leave both your and your partner's name (first and last), section, topic, and the preferred date—only one entry per pair is required.

Example: David Cortez & Will Jameson, Understanding Quakerism, Monday 9.18

Dates and topics are first-come, first-served. Follow these are the guidelines for the presentation:

  1. The work distribution is up to you and your partner, though it should be somewhat equitable
  2. Must be approximately 10 minutes in length
  3. Should have no less than 10 slides, including one video clip (no more than 4 minutes in length)
  4. Must include a handout outlining your presentation (25 copies) 
On the day of your presentation, email both your presentation and handout to me at dhdelao@gmail.com.
    The best presentations will:
    • First contextualize information, then present relevant facts
    • Avoid a heavy use of animation and effects, choosing instead a simpler visual style (illustrations are highly recommended)
    • Engage the class through a conversational style, utilizing questions and/or activities
    • Utilize multimedia, such as YouTube or Google Video
    • Conclude with a summarization of the information presented 

    Remember, you are responsible for providing your own laptop.

    Choose from a list of topics, then dates, below:

    1. What is Karma?
    2. Understanding Ley Lines
    3. Ancient Deities: The Egyptian Gods
    4. The First Christians
    5. Understanding Sharia Law
    6. Fundamentalism: Christian, Islamic, and Jewish
    7. The Mysteries of Stonehenge
    8. Who was Joan of Arc?
    9. The Crusades: An Historical Overview
    10. What is Transcendentalism?
    11. The Foods of the Bible
    12. Four Goddesses: Danu, Isis, Durga and Itzpapalotl
    13. Mary Around the World
    14. A Tragedy in New England: The Salem Witch Trials
    15. Possession: An Historical Overview 
    16. Understanding Santeria
    17. Ancient Deities: The Mayan Gods
    18. Who was the Buddha?
    19. The Mystery of Bérenger Saunière
    20. A Look at Snake Handling
    21. Polygamy: A Worldview
    22. A Look at von Däniken's Chariots of the Gods?: Unsolved Mysteries of the Past
    23. Mythical Creatures: Thunderbirds, Leviathans, and Faeries
    24. The Gnostic Gospels: An Overview
    25. Ancient Deities: The Norse Gods

      Presentation dates:

      Week 5
      Mo 9.19

      Week 6
      Mo 9.26
      1. Yiannis Katsamakis and Matt Arsenberg: A Look at von Däniken's Chariots of the Gods?: Unsolved Mysteries of the Past
      2. Sarah Piazza and Briana Abreu: Four Goddesses: Danu, Isis, Durga and Itzpapalotl

      Week 8
      We 10.12
      1. Melissa Hawks and Ashlyn Acosta: A Tragedy in New England: The Salem Witch Trials

      Week 9 
      We 10.19
      1. Lisa Ta and Joseph Souza: Ancient Deities: The Mayan Gods
      2. Alexander Sparks and Nick Dalmacio: Mythical Creatures: Thunderbirds, Leviathans, and Faeries

      Week 10
      M 10.24
      1. Jeffrey Fu and Andy Dang: Ancient Deities: The Egyptian Gods
      2. Joseph Quiambao and Lam Ngo: Possession: An Historical Overview

      Week 12
      We 11.9
      1. Nicholas Nguyen & Kimberly Truong: What is Karma?
      2. Justin Vien & Diana Lee: Who was the Buddha?

      Week 13
      We 11.16
      1.Jessye Titherley and René Aguilar: A Look at Snake Handling

      Week 15
      We 11.30


        1. This comment has been removed by the author.

        2. Nicholas Nguyen & Kimberly Truong, What is Karma, Wednesday 11.9, Section 10

        3. The mayan Gods - Lisa Ta and Joseph Souza section 3- 10/19/11

        4. A Tragedy in New England: The Salem Witch Trials- Melissa Hawks and Ashlyn section 3

        5. Jeffrey Fu and Andy Dang, Ancient Deities: The Egyptian Gods, 10.24, Section 10.

        6. oh sorry i forgot to put the day of when we want to present. week8 10.12


        8. This comment has been removed by the author.

        9. Yiannis K. and Matt A. A Look at von Däniken's Chariots of the Gods?:Unsolved Mysteries of the Past

        10. A Tragedy in New England: The Salem Witch Trials- Sarah Piazza and Briana Abreu- Section 10- Week 6- 9/26

        11. Im interested in either doing foods of the bible or the salem witch trials. Anyone interested? Jessye Titherley section 10

        12. I'm interested in doing the Gnostic Gospels is anyone else?? -Danielle Crespo

        13. just saw Salem witch trials was taken, i would also like the one about possessions... -jessye titherley

        14. Justin Vien & Diana Lu Who was the Buddha? week12 11.9 wed section 10

        15. I'm interested in doing: Who was Joan of Arc, Understanding Santeria, or A Look at Snake Handling. Is anyone interested? René Aguilar section 10.

        16. It should be Justien Vien & Diana Lee*, just FYI

        17. René- I'd be fine doing any three of those topics...could we do week 13? -Jessye Titherley

        18. Jessye - Yea, week 13 is fine.
          I'm leaning more towards A Look at Snake Handling. Is that ok w you?

        19. René- That sounds perfect. We can talk more on Wednesday. :)- Jessye

        20. Jessye Titherley and René Aguilar- A Look at Snake Handling Week 13 section 10

        21. JC Quiambao, Section 10, if anyone is interested in Stonehenge or Possession for week 9, let me know. email: quiambaojc@yahoo.com. Thanks

        22. Hi Quiambao, do u still need partner? Both topics are fine with me. Let me know. Thanks.
          Lam Ngo.

        23. Four Goddesses: Danu, Isis, Durga and Itzpapalotl- Sarah Piazza and Briana Abreu- Section 10- Week 6- 9/26

        24. Rene- My email is operaesque@yahoo.com, we can start working whenever you are ready :) - jessye

        25. quiambao, ngo - possession week 9 or if taken already week 10

        26. oppsss.. i posted on the wrong section

        27. Alisa Argend and Ashles Coski, Marry around the world. 11/30. Section 10
