Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Reflection 04: If You Believe—The Existance of Miracles

Charleston Heston as Moses in the Bible's dramatic parting the Red Sea

Do you believe in miracles, those events attributed to divine intervention? For example, can a patient with terminal cancer be cured of disease through prayer? Or can a person rid themselves of a harmful addiction through a steadfast adherence to faith? How do you rationalize so-called miracles? Perhaps you believe that what some consider miraculous actually has a basis in natural law? Maybe upon hearing of such events, you immediately search for a logical explanation? But whether you believe or you don't, these extraordinary events occur occasionally. The question is: How do you explain them?

Include at least two of the following in your discussion:

  • MLA Style
  • Must be exactly two-full pages in length

Due: We 10.12

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