Thursday, November 3, 2011

Reflection 06: Who Needs Who?—Women and Religion

Despite their faith, women are often blocked from leadership roles

Throughout history, many have argued that religions need women more than women need religions. Even today, there persists the view that religions, particularly those that are patriarchal-based, ask more of their female followers than they give in return. In fact, many religions today make women's sexuality, motherhood, and family roles central to their doctrine, yet block them from the highest leadership roles. Though women have made inroads in some churches, they are still largely shut out of decision-making positions in most religions. It's not surprising then that female-centered faiths have recently seen a resurgence in popularity with women. How do you believe religion serves women? Does it generally treat women as equals to men? Are women's issues typically a priority? Is it true that religions need women more than women need religions?

Include at least two of the following in your discussion:

  • MLA Style
  • Must be exactly two-full pages in length

Due: We 11.9

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